Kefir Grains Kenya: In this page You’ll learn how you can get Kefir Grain in Kenya and how to go for the best Kefir Grains with a variety of Potent Bacteria, Yeast and Subspecies.
Kefir Grains are the stalks of bacteria and yeast subspecies used to make Kefir Drinks (mostly using animal milk and coconut water).
There are two types of Kefir Grains available:
- Kefir Grains and
- Powdered Kefir starter culture.
Kefir Grains are the best as they contain a long list of potent strains of bacteria, yeast and subspecies. Kefir grain powder on the other hand is made in the laboratory and is meant to be used once.
Kefir Grain Powder is made by companies who want to exploit the Kefir brand.. There is no single lab that has been able to manufacture Kefir Grains to match the Original Kefir grains passed from generation to generation for thousands of years..
The inability of science to create Kefir Grains in the lab is what has created the awe and Love for Kefir drink.. Middle East communities have nick named Kefir Drink.. ” the drink of the prophet” attributed to be a gift by Mohamed on his mission work. Other Groups refer to Kefir as the Manna from heaven that fell in the times of Moses in the wilderness.
Be as it may.. You may want to go for Original Kefir Grains which can be gotten from a friendly neighbor where possible or order from a friend living abroad if they have a way to ship liquids.
Kefir Grains Kenya
Sometimes in 2014, a friend from Malta, an archipelago in the Mediterranean sea, 80KM South of Italy shared with me some two teasponfuls of Kefir Grain. These are natural Kephir grains with about 56 known bacteria, yeast and Subspecies. I have since been able to grow the Kefir Grains here in Kenya.
Many Peope who intend to produce Kefir Drinks here in Kenya fail because they do not understand the methods to use to keep the Kefir Grains Potent and alive. Our climate differs from that in Europe and Upper Asia.
As of this writing I have been able to grow my Kefir Grains with a ton of experimenting and I know what works and what doesn’t especially in our Tropical climate in Kenya.
Get Kefir Grains Kenya

Kefir Grains from our farm in LollDaiga can be made Available in Nanyuki Town. We can also send via courier (about Kes. 200 to 300) and you pick up at Nairobi CBD.
We sell two teaspoonfuls of Kefir Grains at Kes. 2,000 + Shipping
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